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Graffiti Abatement Program 

graffiti abatement

Not all graffiti is considered art! 


The term "graffiti" encompasses a wide spectrum of visual expressions, ranging from simple tags to elaborate murals. While some graffiti can be viewed as artistic and culturally significant, other forms may be considered vandalism or destructive behavior. The distinction between graffiti as art and graffiti as vandalism can be subjective and depends on various factors, including intent, location, legality, and community perception.


  1. Intent: The intention behind creating graffiti plays a significant role in determining whether it is considered art or vandalism. If the intent is to express creativity, convey a message, or enhance the visual environment, it might be considered art. However, if the intent is purely to deface property without any artistic value, it's more likely to be seen as vandalism.

  2. Quality and Skill: The level of skill, creativity, and effort invested in creating the graffiti can influence how it is perceived. Elaborate and well-executed pieces are more likely to be considered art, while haphazard markings might be seen as vandalism.

  3. Community Consent: Graffiti created with the consent of property owners or as part of community art projects is more likely to be accepted as art. Unauthorized graffiti, especially when it damages private or public property, is often seen as vandalism.

  4. Context: The context in which the graffiti is placed matters. Graffiti on designated legal walls, in areas known for street art, or as part of a sanctioned event is more likely to be viewed as art. Graffiti in historical or culturally significant locations might also be appreciated as part of a larger narrative.

  5. Message and Themes: Graffiti that conveys meaningful messages, addresses social issues, or contributes positively to a neighborhood is more likely to be considered art. Contextual relevance and the themes explored can impact the perception of graffiti.

  6. Legal Considerations: The legality of the graffiti plays a role in determining whether it's art or vandalism. If the graffiti is created without permission on private or public property, it's generally considered vandalism.

  7. Community Perception: Ultimately, the way graffiti is perceived within a community can vary widely. Some communities may embrace graffiti as a form of expression and cultural identity, while others might view it as a nuisance or crime.



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About Keep Alachua County Beautiful, Inc. and its Graffiti Hurts(R) Program
Graffiti Hurts(R) is a community-based graffiti prevention program of Keep Alachua County Beautiful, that provides resources to help our community assess the graffiti problem, initiate graffiti prevention activities, and educate youth and adults about the impact of graffiti vandalism on neighborhoods.
Graffiti Hurts(R) was developed in 1996 through a partnership between, Keep America Beautiful, Keep Alachua County Beautiful, nation's largest nonprofit education and community improvement organization, and The Sherwin-Williams Company (SHW), to respond to the blight of graffiti vandalism in communities nationwide. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, graffiti contributes to lost revenue associated with reduced ridership on transit systems, reduced retail sales, and declines in property value.
Graffiti Facts
• Graffiti is the most common type of property vandalism (35%) rep

A Little About Us

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Keep Alachua County Beautiful, a Keep America Beautiful affiliate, follows a practical approach that unites citizens, businesses and the government to find solutions that advance our core issues of preventing litter, reducing waste, and beautifying communities.

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Keep Alachua County Beautiful

​1001 NW 5th Ave Suite C
Gainesville, FL 32601


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Mondays and Thursdays from 11am - 4pm



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